Funny Irish Sayings: Leave the Wit and Wisdom Behind, Let's Have a Laugh!

The spirit behind funny Irish sayings is captured by a quote from Brendan Behan: “It’s not that the Irish are cynical. It’s rather that they have a wonderful lack of respect for everything and everybody!”

Funny Irish Sayings.  Leprechan presenting!

Much of Irish humor is delivered with a bite - and with a twinkle in the eye at the same time. And the rest of it is just plain funny!

We spend part of each week searching for the funniest Irish sayings - and sharing what we find on this page.  Let's have a look at some of our favorites ... And don't miss our weekly feature at the end of the section.

Short, memorable, and FUNNY Irish Sayings!

Here it is – the top 10 Funny Irish Sayings as chosen by our visitors (in no particular order). Like one? Let us know!

Have a better one? Send it to us and we’ll update our list!

The Irish have no idea what they want - and they are ready to fight to the death to get it!

God invented whiskey to prevent the Irish from ruling the world.

The only cure for love is marriage (we're sure they mean that in the nicest possible way…)

Here is to our wives and girlfriends (husbands and boyfriends)! May they never meet!

In heaven there is no beer and this is why we drink here.

We drink and we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. We commit no sin and we go to heaven. So let’s all get drunk and go to heaven!

Many times, a man’s mouth has broken his nose.

My mother’s menu consisted of only two items: take it or leave it.

The Irish gave bagpipes to the Scots as a joke. They have yet to get the joke.

If it’s abuse you want, marry. If it’s praise you want, die.

Hey, for the record, I completely disagree with this one – but it did make me laugh!

Want More Irish Sayings?

It is probably obvious - at Irish Expressions, we love Irish wit and wisdom!  Learning Irish sayings gives us a deeper sense of connection with Ireland, wherever in the world we happen to be!

We have captured many of our favorite Irish sayings in an e-book called "77 Favorite Irish Sayings."  In it you will find Irish proverbs, jokes, limericks, blessings and quotes on many, many topics!

This fun, free guide is available to you to download.  Simply scroll to the bottom of the page and share your email address for instant access!

That Was Fun!  What's Next?

Funny Irish sayings are an essential part of Irish culture and heritage. Share them during special occasions, to celebrate Irish culture and express your personal Irish side!

For more information of this type, you may want to pay a visit to our main section on Irish Sayings here!

Your Personal Irish Expression

One way to share your love of Ireland is by displaying your family coat of arms (family crest).  A very personal symbol of the stories and accomplishments of your ancestors can adorn clothing, kitchenware, wall art, personal accessories and so much more. 

Want to have a look?  Our friends at House of Names can help! 

Tap the button below and see your family crest for free!

Search for Family Name Button

Want to Feel More Connected to Ireland?

At Irish Expressions we believe everybody – well almost everybody! - has an "Irish side."  So how nice would it be to have access to a fun, free Irish experience, on demand, wherever in the world you happen to be?

Over the years we have compiled many free, downloadable resources including lyrics, recipes, games, jokes, blessings and much, much more.  Would you like to receive them ALL for FREE?  Simply share your email for instant access!


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A Note from Bruce

If you would like to see more from Irish Expressions, you can find us on Facebook and Pinterest. You can also communicate with us using our contact form here. 

And of course you can always reach out to me directly at

However you choose to connect, we would love to hear from you!  Meanwhile, thanks for visiting!  I hope that we will meet someday, in person or online, and you can tell me about your own connection to the Emerald Isle.

Until then, best wishes -

Bruce Grady, and the team at