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Understanding Celtic knot meanings is a key step in your quest to explore your Irish side! You have probably seen Celtic knot symbols on more occasions than you know!
This intricate design, rich with meaning, can be found in all sorts of Irish art, jewelry, home decor and other Irish expressions.
In this section we will share a little bit about where the symbol of the Knot came from, and what we believe it "means."
And we'll suggest a variety of ways to express your Irish side through the beautiful and mysterious Celtic knot!
The Celtic knot can be found in all corners of the globe, in jewelry, in wall art, in movies, on signposts.
It has even influenced 'practical' arts such as rope and basket weaving.
The image itself is ancient, having been found on artifacts that are many centuries old. The actual meaning of the symbol, however, is far from set in stone (so to speak!)
Fortunately, we do have some educated guesses.
Evidence suggests that this design, with no apparent beginning or end, represents eternal patterns such as the cycle of birth, life, and death.
Many of our ancestors believed that items decorated with Celtic knots (jewelry, for example) were capable of preventing illness or bringing a long and happy life.
Items bearing this symbol were (and still are) often given as gifts, and intended to bring good fortune to the owner.
This may explain why these symbols are found so often in rings, pendants, brooches and other Irish jewelry even today.
One very popular version of Celtic knot meaning is the Trinity knot.
As with most knot designs, this three-cornered design has multiple possible meanings.
One of the most common interpretations says that it symbolizes the Christian Trinity - the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost.
A second interpretation holds that it represents the three ancient feminine powers - the Mother, the Crone and the Maiden.
Still another interpretation of the Trinity knot is that it represents the metaphysical “trinity” of mind, body and soul (or spirit).
As with any ancient symbol, the intentions of the original designers are lost in time.
But that is part of the beauty of ancient symbols! The fact that they have many possible interpretations gives them much of their lasting mystery and appeal.
The Celtic knot symbol continues to have widespread appeal, across many different countries and cultures.
While it is impossible to know exactly who created the symbol, and what their intentions were, we can make educated guesses based on how it has been used.
And one thing is perfectly clear - the Celtic knot symbol 'shows up' in many aspects of Irish culture and traditions.
So there are many ways to use it, to express your Irish side, wherever in the world you happen to be!
It is probably obvious - at Irish Expressions, we love Irish symbols!
Expressing ourselves through Irish symbolism gives us a deeper sense of connection with Ireland, wherever in the world we happen to be!
We have captured many of our favorite Irish symbols in an e-book called "10 Irish Symbols and Their Meanings." In it you will find pictures and backstories for the Irish Cross, the Celtic Knot, the Tricolor Flag, and much more!
This fun, free guide is available to you to download. Simply scroll to the bottom and share your email address for instant access!
Expressing yourself using Irish symbols is a fun way to share your Irish side, during any Irish-themed occasion.
For more information of this type, you may want to pay a visit to our main section on Irish Symbols here!