Irish Limerick Poems: 
A Witty Way to Express Your Irish Side!

The world of limerick poems offers many opportunities for Irish entertainment. They can add fun and excitement to many different occasions - from birthdays to weddings to retirement parties, the list goes on and on!

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Limerick Poems - Grinning Leprechan

In this section we will share ideas for using limericks to express your Irish side.  If you are in a hurry you can pick a link to jump immediately to the topic you want:

If you have a bit more time, let's cover a little information about the basic limerick, what it is, where it comes from, and what makes it a great Irish expression.

Limerick Poems:  What are They?

Limericks are a form of simple poetry with a long, proud history.

While the basic form dates back as far as the 12th century in other European countries, the Irish version found its stride in drinking establishments in the late 18th century.  You can find more information on the history of limericks here.

Today we use limericks and other Irish sayings to spice up a variety of occasions including birthdays, Christmas and Halloween parties, weddings, retirement celebrations and yes... the basic pub crawl.

What do we mean by 'spice up?' Well...

Here's An Example

Imagine a room full of friends and family, full of Irish spirit, trying to come up with with the most clever ending to this limerick...

There was an old man of Dumbree,

Who taught little owls to drink tea;

For he said, 'To eat mice,

Is not proper or nice'


(Fill in the blank)

… so my friends you must let them go free?

... plus it’s gross as I’m sure you agree?

…tea is better, that’s my guarantee?

Picture everybody in the room, looking for the funniest final line with a word that rhymes with 'tea'... fun is just around the corner!

So... What's Special About a Limerick Poem?

Every limerick poem contains five lines.  The first, second and fifth line all have 8 main beats, and they rhyme with one another. 

Likewise, the third and fourth lines contain five main beats and rhyme with each other. 

Since limericks are short and simple, they are easy to make up and easy to remember.  Don't believe us?  We prove it in How to Write a Limerick... But let's come back to that later...

First, we'll have a look at some different types of limericks and how they can be used.  Click on the links or the pictures below to see our favorite examples.

Funny Irish Limericks

Limerick Poems - Funny Limericks

Let's face it... some of these simple little poems are funnier than others.  

While it is possible to find good limericks with serious messages, the best ones are almost always the funniest ones.

So... let's start with those!   Have a look at our funny limericks section to get your search for the ultimate limerick off on the right foot!

Irish Holiday Limericks

Limerick Poems - Christmas Limericks

Holiday parties are great opportunities to express your Irish side through Irish Limerick greeting cards, contests or games.

For specific ideas, have a look at our sections on Christmas Limericks and Halloween Limericks...

You can also use our contact form below to request limericks on a specific topic...  Or you can share a favorite limerick of your own!

Irish Birthday Limericks

Limerick Poems - Birthday Limericks

Birthdays are always a good time for humor... And a good limerick poem is just the thing to deliver the laughs.

We recommend you choose carefully since 'age' can be a sensitive topic, and some birthday limericks can be a little ... well... Ruthless.

Check out our page on birthday limericks to see what we mean!

Irish Retirement Limericks

Limerick Poems - Retirement Limericks

For whatever reason, retirement seems to be one of our favorite times to make fun of people.  And a good retirement limerick is one of the most entertaining ways to do that!

Retirement limericks can be used on party invitations, or shared in a toast...

Visit retirement limericks for more great ideas!

Famous Irish Limericks

Famous Limericks - Picture of Ogden Nash.

Wait, what??  Is there actually such a thing as a 'famous' limerick?

Yes there is.  Here we have collected some of the most famous limericks for you to enjoy all in one place.  Curious? 

Visit our section on famous limericks and see for yourself.

Clean Irish Limericks

Limericks for Kids - Leprechan Sommersault

Let's face it - sometimes there is a trade-off between 'clean' and 'funny' - especially when it comes to limerick poems.

In our section on clean limericks, we try to give you both - clean AND funny. And we include a special page on limericks for kids.

Have a look - and then let us know how well we did!

And as always, we would love to hear from you.  Use our contact form below to share your favorite limerick with us.

Want More Irish Sayings?

It is probably obvious - at Irish Expressions, we love Irish wit and wisdom!  Knowing the perfect Irish 'thing to say' on any occasion gives us a deeper sense of connection with Ireland, wherever in the world we happen to be!

To help you build your own personal Irish vocabulary, we have over the years created many downloadable, share-able Irish games, puzzles, recipes, songbooks, quizzes, and much, much more.

Want them right now?  Keep reading to learn about "Your Irish Expressions Playbook."

What's Next?

Limericks are an essential part of Irish culture and heritage. Share them during special occasions, to celebrate Irish culture and express your personal Irish side!

For more information of this type, you may want to pay a visit to our main section on Irish Sayings here!

More Fun With Irish Expressions

Congratulations on learning more about the Emerald Isle and discovering what we like to call your "Irish Side."  You may be thinking "I'd love to actually VISIT Ireland but that's really not in the cards right now.  What am I supposed to do with the stuff I just learned?"

Well never fear!  Since 2009 we have collected all of the best printable, shareable resources we could find, to help you put your new knowledge of Ireland to good use.  We've put them all together in a single download we call "Your Irish Expressions Playbook," which contains over 100 pages of games, puzzles, recipes, songbooks, quizzes, travel guides and much, much more.

Playbook Cover

Purchase them ALL for one small price, print as many copies as you like and share them with your friends - with no limitations!   But order soon - we are already adding to the Playbook for future editions and this price will not last long. 

Oh, want one more reason to order right away?  If you buy YOUR copy of the Playbook now, you will be allowed to upgrade to any new future edition for FREE.


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