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Irish Wedding Vows: The Irish Way to Express Your Eternal Love

If you are looking for ideas on Irish wedding vows, you have come to the right place!  You have chosen an Irish theme for your wedding.   The moment is precious.  Your words will express your love for your chosen companion, in that unmistakably Irish way. 

Irish wedding vows.  Celtic rings.

Let's have a look at some of those words!

A Few Great Examples

You probably already know that there are many, many examples of wedding vows with Irish themes (and other themes of course) to choose from. 

Choose one 'as is,' or modify the words to express your feelings and style - the choice is yours!

Some Irish wedding vows contain older, more traditional words.  Maybe replace those words with modern ones - or you could keep them to express a 'timeless' mood. 

One common approach is to include the traditional words on any written material, but alter them to be more current when you are speaking them during the ceremony.

A Christian Example of an Irish Wedding Vow

Our first example is very traditional, reflecting the majority of traditional Irish folks preference for the Christian (Catholic) faith:

“By the power that Christ brought from heaven, may you love me.

As the sun follows its course, may you follow me.

As light to the eye, as bread to the hungry, as joy to the heart,

May your presence be with me,

Oh one that I love, until death comes to part us asunder.”

An Irish Wedding Vow of Unity

This example is also popular among couples.  It has a religious tone that is less specific but equally expresses a sacred and blessed union:

“We swear by peace and love to stand,

Heart to heart and hand to hand

Mark, O Spirit, and hear us now,

Confirming this our Sacred Vow”

A Traditional Celtic Wedding Vow

Our last example is also very traditional, having Celtic roots and reflecting the traditionally pagan beliefs of the Celts.  It focuses on the couple's personal commitment to each other:

“I pledge my love to thou, and everything that I own.

I promise thou the first bite of my meat and the first sip from my cup.

I pledge that thy name will always be the name I cry aloud in the dead of night.

I promise to honor thou above all others.

Our love is never-ending, and we will remain, forevermore, equals in our marriage.

This is my wedding vow to thou.”

We like this one for the less religious sorts ... but we personally would replace the 'thous' and 'thys' with 'yous' and 'yours' ... just saying.

Interesting!  What's Next?

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But even if that is not possible, you can still enjoy the magic of Ireland in these pages.  Check out the links at the top of the page for simple instructions on how to explore Irish landmarks, sing Irish songs, enjoy Irish food, and much more!