Trim Castle:  Fun Things to Know About this Iconic Irish Landmark

The journey to Trim Castle in Ireland is a simple one.  The castle is located in County Meath, Leinster Province, just outside of Dublin, making it easily accessible to travelers from around the globe. 

Irish Expressions - Trim Castle

To get to Trim Castle from From Dublin Airport, get on the M50 ring road and then take the M3. At Dunshaughlin, take the R154 to the appropriately named Castle Street in Trim.     

Things to Know About Trim Castle

Here are some fun facts about this amazing Irish landmark.  Hopefully they will entice you to pay a visit in person!  But if that is not possible, you can always use them to impress your friends with your knowledge of one of the most-visited attractions in Ireland.

  1. To visit the largest anglo-norman castle in Ireland, head to Trim in Boyne Valley, Co. Meath.
  2. That's where you'll find Trim Castle, which was built in the late 12th century by Hugh de Lacy.  
  3. The three-story keep is the center of the structure, and it was designed in an incredible cruciform shape that boasts 20 corners, with a curtain wall whose original structure is still visible today.
  4. If you're a film buff, you might recognize the Castle as a filming location of the film Braveheart starring Mel Gibson, where it was featured as the city of York.
  5. When it was constructed in the 12th century by Baron Hugh de Lacy and son Walter, Trim Castle served as an office of public works for the Lordship of Meath. This was newly created position by King Henry II of England.
  6. The Castle's location was certainly no accident. It was chosen for strategic reasons because it was an important fording point overlooking the River Boyne. In medieval times, you could navigate all the way from the Castle along the river to the Irish Sea. 
  7. Early construction of the castle by De Lacy was ultimately destroyed. However, the castle was rebuilt completely by the middle of the 13th century.
  8. Over the years, many additions were made to this most impressive anglo-norman castle. The Great Hall was added in the 14th century, and in the 15th century there was even an operating mint within the castle walls.
  9. The last Irish family to own Trim was the Dunsany Plunketts. Ownership of the castle transferred to the Irish State in 1993, but the family still retains the hunting and fishing rights to the estate.
  10. Once in Irish governmental hands, the castle underwent a massive restoration. It finally opened up to the public in 2000. 
  11. There are two ways to experience the largest of the Norman Castles today. The first is with a self-guided tour of the castle grounds. There are plenty of placards and signs around the property to guide you along the way.
  12. The other option is to take the guided tour, which is offered on weekdays between February and November. This is the only way to see inside Trim Gate, so it is well worth the visit.
  13. Don't visit Trim Castle without also strolling over to the Heritage town of Trim, a historic village town where you can also find the four-start Trim Castle Hotel. The town is still surrounded by its original 13th century walls.

You can find more information about Trim Castle in Ireland here.

Want More Irish Castles?

It is probably obvious - at Irish Expressions, we love Irish castles!  The Emerald Isle is dotted with hundreds of these incredible structures.  

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