Irish Limericks Game: Add Side-Splitting Humor to Your Next Irish Occasion!
This Irish limericks game is a fun way to bring Irish humor into your world. To be most effective, you will need to take two simple steps. Step 1: Get informed. Visit our section on Limerick Poems, for a quick overview of the Limerick style, including hundreds of entertaining examples.
Step 2: Then come back, and cruise to victory in the Limericks party game we will share with you below. Play the game individually or as a team!
Ready? (Make sure to complete Step 1...)
Ok, let's go!
Here is What You Will Need
- Printed Irish Limericks game cards – one per team or contestant.
You can download the one we provide below, or you can make your own.
- If you prefer to make your own, you can visit our many
pages on Irish limericks for ideas. You might start with our article
on how to write a limerick!
- A method of judging the answer forms. We like to
select three guests (or sometimes the hosts) to be the judging
- If you do have live judges, make sure you select people
who will make funny comments about the contestants’ answers.
- If you use the ‘individual’ approach below, somebody
(usually the host) will need to judge the responses and announce the
- A method of keeping time (if you use the group
- Prizes for the winners (typically an Irish-themed
first, second and third prize)
For a Free, Printable Version of our Irish Limericks Game Card,
Fill out the Form Below
Irish Limericks Game: A Team Approach
First, divide into teams and hand
each team a game card – face down on the table in front of them. Then
share the rules:
- They will have 15 minutes
- They should ‘fill in the blank’ for each limerick on
their game card as a group
- The goal is: to end up with the ‘best’ limerick that
follows all the rules of limerick poems
- Start the clock – teams turn over their game cards and
- After 15 minutes, instruct each team to rank their own
responses from 1 (best) to 5 (worst). The total number can vary
based on the game card you choose / create and the amount of time
- Then have each team take turns reading their
masterpieces to the judges. Round 1 is for their ‘best’ responses,
round 2 for the next best and so on.
- After each round, the judges comment on the contestants
and vote for the winner of that round. Judges should be looking for:
- Does the masterpiece follow the ‘rules’ of a limerick?
- Does it make sense?
- Is it unusually funny, creative or memorable?
- Was it well presented?
The winning team has the most total
votes from the judges after all rounds are completed
An Individual Approach
As guests arrive, hand them a game card. Then, early in the party, pause the action and explain the rules.
- Everybody fills in the blanks in their game card to make Irish limericks that are funny, creative or in some way memorable
- They should sign their name to their card. They should fill in the blanks at some point during the party.
- By a certain deadline, every card will have been collected. Designate a location or container to hold the game cards.
- Make sure all guests complete the cards. Sometimes we like to offer an Irish-themed party favor just for playing the game.
- At the designated time, they should place their completed cards in the designated area. There should be enough time for the judge(s) to review the cards, choose the winner(s) and gather their thoughts on how to present the winning cards.
Sometime before the end of the party, the judge(s) should announce the winners.
We like to read 1-3 Irish limericks from the winning card (if they are entertaining), and explain the reason for our choices of first, second and third-prize winners.
Want More Irish Sayings?
It is probably obvious - at Irish Expressions, we love Irish wit and wisdom! Learning Irish sayings gives us a deeper sense of connection with Ireland, wherever in the world we happen to be!
We have captured many of our favorite Irish sayings in an e-book called "77 Favorite Irish Sayings." In it you will find Irish proverbs, jokes, limericks, blessings and quotes on many, many topics!
This fun, free guide is available to you to download. Simply scroll to the bottom of the page and share your email address for instant access!
Very Fun! What Comes Next?
Limericks are an essential part of Irish culture and heritage. Share them during special occasions, to celebrate Irish culture and express your personal Irish side!
For more information of this type, you may want to pay a visit to our main section on Irish Sayings here!