Knappogue Castle:  Things You Should Know About This Proud Irish Landmark

Knappogue Castle is a lovely destination, whether you're planning a picnic in the gardens or attending a social event. You'll find it in the County of Clare in Munster Province. 

Irish Expressions: Knappogue Castle.  Image courtesy of Bigstock.

The Castle is in the Southwest of Ireland and takes just over two hours by car if you're coming from the Dublin Airport.

Once you're through the hustle and bustle of Dublin, stay on the M7 heading to Limerick. Then, head for the E20 and the R462 until you reach your palatial destination.

Things to Know About Knappogue Castle

Here are some fun facts about this amazing Irish landmark.  Hopefully they will entice you to pay a visit in person!

But if that is not possible, you can always use them to impress your friends with your knowledge of one of the most-visited attractions in Ireland.

  • Caisleán na Cnapóige, or Knappogue Castle, is a tower house located in Quin, County Clare.
  • Construction of the castle started in 1467, but it wasn't completed until halfway through the 19th century.
  • During the Irish War for Independence in the early 20th century, the Castle was used as a military headquarters.
  • Today, the gardens surrounding the castle are a major attraction in their own right, and the castle is used for weddings and corporate events.
  • The medieval tower house was built by Seán Mac Conmara in the 15th century. The MacNamara family, shortened from Mac Conmara, has a long history with the castle.
  • The Mac Conmara family took on a leadership role during the Irish Rebellion of 1641. As a result, Knappogue also played an important role.
  • Shortly thereafter, thanks to the Adventurers Act, the castle was passed to an English royalist named Arthur Smith. Just a decade later, it was back in the hands of the MacNamara family.
  • The Castle was bought and sold several times in the 19th century. Twice, the owners did major renovations to the property. Much of the castle today dates back to these two renovations.
  • During the War of Independence, stretching from 1912 to 1921, the castle was used as a headquarters. Many meetings were held in the castle, led by military and government figures.
  • In 1966, an American couple, Mark and Lavonne Andrews, purchased the castle. Under their guidance, it was beautifully renovated and restored. 
  • Today, the Andrews rent the castle to the Irish Government for a nominal fee. This makes it possible for the public to have access to the stunning castle.
  • The Andrews, and their son, now also produce Knappogue Castle Irish Whiskey. This whiskey is one of the few independently bottled varieties available in Ireland.
  • Visitors to the area can stay overnight at the castle. Accommodation in one of the State Rooms is a memorable experience.
  • Perhaps the best way to experience the Castle is through their evening banquets. With food, entertainment, costume, culture and history rolled into one epic night, this is a memorable way to enjoy some of the best that Ireland has to offer.

You can find more information about this unique Irish landmark at their official website here.

Want More Irish Castles?

It is probably obvious - at Irish Expressions, we love Irish castles!  The Emerald Isle is dotted with hundreds of these incredible structures.  

Sharing pictures and stories about them gives us a deeper sense of connection with Ireland, wherever in the world we happen to be!

We have captured the most amazing pictures and descriptions of Irish castles in an e-book we call "An Illustrated Guide to Irish Castles and Abbeys."

This fun, free guide is available to you to download.  Scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email to get instant access!

That Was Fun!  Where Can I See More?

Great question! As you can see, exploring the castles of Ireland offers many opportunities for enjoying an Irish experience and expressing your personal Irish side!

For more information of this kind, you might pay a visit to our section on Ireland Sightseeing here!